The lesson handouts are designed for a half-hour class with ages 8-12. The content of the lesson, however, is entirely appropriate for older students.
Teacher preparation:
Read the story summary and reference at least one day ahead of time. Print the handout and circle words to define. Think about the discussion questions and anticipate possible answers. Remember your own experiences, especially from childhood, which relate to the questions. The students would love to hear them.
1) Talk about the coloring picture to spark interest in the lesson. Ask: what do you think is happening? The students should wait until later to start coloring.
2) Read the first sentence of the story summary. Add details. Read the next sentence, add details, and so on. Define new words.
3) Ask each of the discussion questions. Some students might not want to talk much, but you can be reasonably sure they are listening and thinking.
4) Now the students can begin coloring. Show reluctant colorers how to add minimal color. It should be a pleasurable activity, not a coloring contest.
5) While the students are coloring, read aloud from the story reference. Ask if they have comments or questions about the reading.
6) Conclude with friendly conversation. A brief prayer may be said at the beginning or end of the lesson.
If you have more than a half-hour to fill, you can supervise free-play in a well-stocked room. Friendship development is a valuable part of this experience. A circle game can be enjoyed by a group of mixed ages. You could include a craft project, worksheet puzzle, or group activity that relates to the lesson. If there are several small groups, all could be gathered at the beginning to say a common prayer, sing a song, acknowledge birthdays, and welcome newcomers.