
#4 of Appendix


Alcoholics Anonymous has made a matchless contribution to our understanding of the transformative power of faith in the treatment of addiction. While I was writing this book, I was a member of an Episcopal church that had a well-developed healing ministry and offered space for various Twelve Step groups. Although I never actually participated in one of those groups, I frequently referred to a little booklet titled "A Guide to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous." This booklet contains many inspirational passages that relate to the four parts of Everyday Food and Faith. Here is a sampling of quotes:

I. Depend on God

“Remember that you are completely dependent on God as you understand Him.”

“Humility is based on the recognition that we are the children of God. It is the consciousness of the need of a power greater than our own and a willingness to let that power control our lives.”

II. Desire God’s will and presence

“Very simply put, humility is teachability, an open mind to the truth.”

“Make your talks with your Guiding Power a personal thing. Give thanks for help and ask for assistance as though you were addressing your earthly father. Your sincerity is what counts, not the form of language you use.”

III. Deploy faith along with effort

“When you meditate on this new way of living you cannot but realize that there is a God above, guiding you through each successive day and night.”

“Instead of asking for outright help, ask for guidance. Ask merely to be shown the way, so that you can do your own part.”

IV. Devote yourself to love

“When we help a fellow being, when we are kind to one another we are performing a completely spiritual act. Spirituality is simply the act of being selflessly helpful. If you will start with this simple explanation you will find that the green light has been flashed on. Christ taught that there are two great commandments: to love God; and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you can follow these you will have no trouble.”

Alcoholics Anonymous. A Guide to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Akron, Ohio: AA of Akron, 1979.


The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,

a stronghold in times of trouble.

And those who know your name put their trust in you,

for you, O Lord, have not forsaken 

those who seek you.

Psalm 9:9-10

End of Appendix