The time has come to stop everything and rest awhile with God. Sit down next to him and lean upon the everlasting arms. You need to be alone with God. It is good to rest with him when you can’t even think to pray, or when you can’t take a step forward. You don’t need to do anything or say anything—just rest.
God is very close to you. He is a magnificent presence in the universe, yet also very near to each one of us. The creator is loving and merciful, as well as powerful and just. We are not alone in the universe, nor are we alone inside our own minds. He is our intimate companion.
We can trust God’s love. He loves each one of us with a great affection. We are precious to him. His love nourishes us and heals our inner wounds. Seek comfort and reassurance from the divine heart. We can depend upon him with simple, childlike trust. He understands us and he knows our frailties.
We may also trust his great power. We can feel secure that, with God, we can overcome all problems. With God there is always a way. In him, there is victory no matter what happens. There are fresh perspectives and unforeseen answers. With God, we can feel safe despite the outward circumstances of life. We may trust his promises and abundance.
We need to experience God, and that experience is very personal. He can be our perfect parent, closest friend, adored teacher, or beloved sovereign. Some may prefer the image of Divine Mother. I refer to God as “Father” most often, because the word evokes in me a trusting intimacy as well as an image of benevolent power. My use of male pronouns reveals that preference. The name you choose for God should fit what feels right to you and what you need.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
Psalm 23:2–3a
Next: Reading #3 in Part I