
Reading #30

Water: cooling, warming, settling, soothing

The drinking of water is very beneficial to the overeater in some obvious and some not so obvious ways. First, it quenches thirst. Second, it can be consumed to warm or cool the body. Third, it can soothe and settle the digestive system after eating.

It helps to know when your need for water is greatest. You may be thirsty upon waking up in the morning and not even know it. So, drink some water before your morning coffee. Don’t forget to drink after physical exertion. That’s when you’ll really be able to take in a lot of water. If you know very well you need water, but you’re having trouble making yourself drink enough, try drinking a mildly sugared beverage instead. It amazed me how quickly I could drink a glass of watered-down lemonade after I’d been dawdling over a bottle of water. It’s as if sugar uncovers the real underlying thirst.

When you need warming up, drink some hot herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage can counteract the tendency to eat for warmth. Seeking warmth is another one of the physical reasons we overeat. Living as I do, in a colder climate, I found I sought out food when I felt chilly. Just as birds eat to maintain body temperature, we humans try to stoke our internal fires with food. The raw veggies and fruits that please us in the summer hold less attraction when the temperatures drop. For warmth, we’re drawn to starches and high fat foods.

Make the effort to find a blend of herbal tea that you like. Some are made from a mint leaf. Some are spicy or cinnamon flavored. I particularly like ones that are fruity in flavor. Even if you think you don’t like herbal tea, find one that is acceptable and try to get used to it. When you make a large mug of tea, you only need to drink a small amount. Warming your hands on a mug of tea is half the enjoyment.

On the other hand, water can be consumed when you need cooling off, both physically and emotionally. Stress produces a sensation of internal heat that cold water can alleviate. I noticed that I would get a hot feeling in the stomach when I was upset. Not surprisingly, I turned to food, like ice cream, to soothe and cool that hot feeling in the gut. I also used my favorite cola for that purpose. After I realized what I was doing, I found that cold water meets that need to cool down just as effectively. Now, I sip cold water during the internal heat of stress, as well as during the summer heat.

Cold water has another important use for the overeater. I learned to sip cold water after a meal to de-stimulate the taste buds and to settle and soothe the digestive track. When sipping, briefly hold the water in your mouth and allow it to fall down the sides of your tongue. When swallowing, enjoy the feeling of the water as it slides down the esophagus and into the stomach. I’ll mention this repeatedly because it is very helpful in ending meals. Overeaters need to know how to end a meal before they get too full. I used to drink water before meals in the attempt to fill up so I wouldn’t eat too much. Now, I save ice water to end the meal with the soothing sensation of cool water.

Next: Reading #31  in Food