
Week 19 of Year 5 "Treasure in Heaven"

Treasure in Heaven

Students may read Luke 12:32-34 or all of verses 22-34

Jesus spoke to his apostles about the lilies of the field and said, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Then, Jesus told them about the treasures of the heavenly kingdom, which are much better than earthly treasures. Treasure in heaven cannot be ruined by age, stolen by thieves, or destroyed by moths. Jesus directs us to lay up heavenly treasure, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Discussion Questions

What is an example of an earthly treasure? We can learn to give less attention to earthly treasures. We can also learn to give more attention and effort to things that are valuable in the heavenly kingdom. Can you give some examples?