
Week 7 of Year 3 "The Nobleman's Son"

The Nobleman's Son

Students may read John 4:46-54
Jesus went to the city of Cana. A nobleman came over from Capernaum and begged him to heal his gravely ill son. Jesus said, “Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” After a moment, Jesus said, “Your son will live.” The nobleman believed, and he returned to Capernaum. On the way, his servants met him saying, “Your son lives!” and they told him when the fever broke. From that day on, the nobleman wholeheartedly believed, and his family also believed.
Discussion Questions

What are “signs and wonders”? Why did Jesus want people to believe without seeing signs and wonders? It turned out that the nobleman and his family became believers. What does it mean to believe wholeheartedly?