In partnership with God, life takes on a feeling of adventure. There are great things to be done even in the seemingly small but magnificently unselfish things we do. Devote yourself to love and service. Remember that service takes many forms. Don’t get stuck in the rut that says service is just this set of tasks. God provides us with many and various ways to serve that suit the type of person we are and what our talents are.
Ask yourself each day, “What can I do today to make life better for others?” Often, we need search no further than to carry out our everyday duties. Somebody needs to perform the mundane tasks of life. Cheerfully do the ordinary tasks that make life more pleasant for everyone.
Seek to be a blessing to others. Be watchful for things you can do to help. The golden rule of friendly relations gives us a clue to what other people may want and need. Put yourself in their shoes to discover what they long to hear or what they’d appreciate having done for them. Show an interest in them. Give of yourself, with no strings attached. Give without thought of receiving in return.
If you’re not sure what you can do for someone, saying a prayer for them is often a first step in service. We may not know what is within our capacity to do or give. Prayer heightens our consciousness of the needs of others. Generosity blossoms within us as we pray unselfishly. Praying for others is a good way to develop understanding and love for other people.
In service, we become the living channels for the goodness and love of God. When we do good to others, we are allowing God to love through us. The more we love others, the more we are able to experience God’s love because it is passing through us. And the more we live in God’s love, the more desire and energy we have to serve others.
Trust in the Lord,
and do good
Psalm 37:3a
Next: Reading #47 in Part IV