We’ve raised the mast; now fully release the sails of faith. We’ve already used our faith in a limited way. Begin to make full use of its potential. Faith is the mysterious method of spiritual life. Faith has been given to us from God, as a means of moving forward and ascending upward into the liberated life of the Spirit. We’ve recognized our dependence on God for life and identity. We’ve opened ourselves to his intimate presence. Now, let us make full use of his gift of faith.
Living faith is dynamic confidence in God. It is life changing. Faith begins with an attitude of sincerity or earnestness, even childlike trust. Eventually, our faith becomes strong enough to believe that God will lead us through all the difficulties and uncertainties of life. We trust that he will show the way. We know we will be guided as we move along the path of life.
Some may view the reliance on faith as a dangerous thing. Indeed, faith can be misused if you refuse to face facts. Faith must not deny the realities of God’s creation. Faith will not fail you so long as you have an open mind to divine truth. Faith must be based upon a dedication to God’s will. We must be morally and intellectually honest. Honesty and openness to truth go hand in hand with effective faith.
Faith liberates the potentials within you. Even if your faith seems very weak, hoist it up anyway. The more you do this, the sturdier it will become. Faith has been given to us to use. You have the gift of faith at your command. Your faith enables you to cross over into a new and better life. Be persistent. Muster your faith at every turn. Keep your mind open to divine truth and your faith sail raised.
When we release the sails of faith, the unfurled sails catch the breath of God. The wind of the Spirit fills us and strengthens us. The Spirit sheds the light of truth and the power to live life to the fullest. This is salvation from selfish desire—salvation from the temptations of modern life. This is spiritual transformation.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5–6
Next: Reading #21 in Part III