Human frailty is not the only cause of failure. We must also be aware of the subtleties of self-deception. Without realizing what is happening, I start telling myself lies, and I believe them. I tell myself, “A little relaxation of my plan won’t hurt … I can stop when I want to … It’s OK to go this far … I’m going to test myself … I think I need to remember what it was like before … I’m stronger now, so I’ll be able to handle it.” Self-deception creeps in to undermine our hard-fought decisions. We fall back into old ways so easily and before we know what we are doing.
Self-deception quietly invades after we have begun to feel a sense of God-bestowed power. We easily forget the source as we glory in our newfound strength. Self-deception gives us a false sense of self-sufficiency. It makes us think we are powerful on our own. We start thinking we can engage in a limited form of temptation when we really cannot—and should not. Eventually, the flow of strength from God runs dry because we haven’t maintained the connection with God.
We must guard against those deceptive feelings of self-sufficiency. We need to remember that we are dependent upon God. It is so important to remain humble. Don’t let subtle pride gain a foothold. It is the Spirit, in conjunction with our faith, that bestows true strength. We must be honest with ourselves and remember that this power is not our own. Giving thanks is a powerful antidote to pride. Remember how far you’ve come. Give thanks for the power you’ve received.
Pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18
Next: Reading #25 in Part III