Lastly, a few words need to be said about doubt and discouragement. Beware of doubt that pulls down the sails of faith. At first, the chains of doubt are more familiar and comfortable than newfound freedom in faith. We question whether we really can withstand the assaults of temptation. We wonder if the breath of God really will fill the sails. We pull back in doubt about the effectiveness of this entire, spiritual approach to life. If this happens, give your doubts to God, as you’ve given everything else. Make room for a renewed infusion of God’s presence and his gift of faith.
Discouragement also pulls down those sails of faith, so take note when you feel it coming on. Discouragement can actually be a daily habit. Discouragement lures us to turn back and to give up. Notice your breathing and posture. A collapsed feeling in the body can bring on a collapse in the sails of faith. Do you overreact to minor setbacks in your day? Does disappointment bring you to a standstill? Do you give up easily in the face of challenges and difficulty? Do you become overwhelmed by the demands of life? If so, stand up and take a deep breath. Refuse to harbor discouraging thoughts and give them at once to God. Summon your faith and be filled with the Spirit.
The root of discouragement is fear, a lack of courage. I’ve spoken about the dangers of fear before, but it is worth noting again. Fear oppresses your faith. So many of us lead lives made small by shrinking fear and stunted by paralyzing anxiety. We must take a stand against fear. Weed it out before it takes hold of your mind, and give it to God in exchange for the powerful convictions of love and confidence. Take command of your mind and, with God, unfurl the sails of faith once more.
Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3
Sometimes we fall so hard we need to rest for quite a while before we have the strength to get up. Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself a healing time of stillness with God. And when you are ready, begin again.
Through faith, you will be lifted up into a new way of living. From this vantage point of spiritual living, the conflicts of life will no longer threaten to defeat you. The problems that seemed insurmountable may be conquered. You will experience genuine power for living. This new experience provides the assurance that transcending temptation is possible.
Be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen your heart,
all ye that hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24 (KJV)