Like This Child
Students may read Matthew 18:1-6
Jesus and the disciples walked through Galilee and stopped for a while in Capernaum. Jesus sat down and asked the disciples what they had been talking about along the way. But they didn’t answer him because they had been discussing who would be greatest in the coming kingdom. Then, Jesus called a child to his side and said they needed to turn and become like children. “Whoever humbles himself like this child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Discussion Questions
People often want to be the best or the greatest. Is that a good or bad thing? What does it mean when someone humbles himself? Greatness, according to Jesus, comes from a childlike trust in God and a willingness to serve others.
People often want to be the best or the greatest. Is that a good or bad thing? What does it mean when someone humbles himself? Greatness, according to Jesus, comes from a childlike trust in God and a willingness to serve others.