
Week 23 of Year 3 "He Wept Over It"

He Wept Over It

Students may read Luke 19:41-44 or all of verses 28-44
Jesus made his final entry into the city of Jerusalem on the day that has become known as Palm Sunday. It was a joyous occasion for the multitude of people who followed along with Jesus as he rode on a donkey’s colt. Suddenly, however, the mood changed from joy to sorrow. Jesus stopped to look out over the city of Jerusalem, and the people could see he was weeping. He knew he would be rejected, and the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed by the Roman army.
Discussion Questions
Jesus was born into a Jewish family, and he loved his people, the Jews. He lamented, “If you had only known the things which belong to your peace.” What type of leader were the Jews hoping for? How does Jesus bring peace?