
Week 30 of Year 3 "The Walk to Emmaus - Part 2"

The Walk to Emmaus - Part 2

Students may read Luke 24:28-35 or all of verses 13-35

After the resurrection, Jesus came alongside two men as they walked to Emmaus on Sunday afternoon. Jesus talked with them about the scriptures, but they did not know who he was. When they arrived at their home, the two men urged Jesus to abide with them. During supper, Jesus blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to them. Suddenly, “their eyes were opened,” and they could see that their guest was Jesus. As soon as they recognized him, he vanished from their sight.

Discussion Questions

What does it mean when the story says that “their eyes were opened”? After Jesus vanished, the two men realized why their hearts felt warm when Jesus talked with them as they walked along the road. Can you say more about that?