
Week 3 of Year 2 "Turn the Other Cheek"

Turn the Other Cheek

Students may read Matthew 5:38-48
Jesus taught his disciples to be kind and merciful. He also said, “If anyone smites you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” This idea was hard for his followers to understand because they believed, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Jesus does not want us to get even with people when they are mean to us. He does not want us to retaliate. Instead, he wants us to return good for evil. This teaching is part of what became known as the Sermon on the Mount.
Discussion Questions
Why is it difficult for us to understand this teaching? Jesus encourages us to trust God and refrain from retaliation. What does it mean to “return good for evil”? Why would that be an effective response?