
Week 18 of Year 3 "The Good Samaritan - Part 2"

The Good Samaritan - Part 2: the parable

Students may read Luke 10:25-37

A lawyer asked Jesus about the Great Commandment. He said, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered him by telling a story about a man who was beaten by robbers and left on the side of the road. A priest passed by and then a Levite, but they did nothing to help. Finally, a Samaritan came by. He brought the man to an inn and paid for his care. Then, Jesus asked who proved to be the man’s neighbor. The lawyer replied, “He who showed mercy.” Jesus said, “Go and do likewise.”

Discussion Questions

Do you think the lawyer was surprised that the Samaritan was the one who helped? Why? The Samaritan was “moved with compassion,” when he saw the injured man. What are some small ways that we can show compassion in our daily lives?