
Week 22 of Year 5 "Mary Anoints Jesus"

Mary Anoints Jesus

Students may read John 12:1-11
Jesus went to Bethany before he entered Jerusalem for the last time. While there, he attended a banquet with his friend Lazarus, and Martha helped serve the meal. Their sister, Mary, did something unexpected during the banquet. She came forward and anointed Jesus’ head and feet. Judas Iscariot and others objected to this. But Jesus defended Mary. He said, “Wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” 
Discussion Questions

When someone died, their body was anointed before burial. Why do you think Mary  chose to anoint Jesus before he died? Jesus defended her actions when others criticized her. Jesus understood Mary’s good intentions. What does that mean?