
Week 29 of Year 1 "Burial of Jesus"

Burial of Jesus

Students may read John 19:38-42
On the day Jesus died, Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate to ask for his body. Nicodemus helped Joseph with the burial plan. Thus, the body of Jesus was laid in Joseph’s new tomb. They anointed him with myrrh and aloes and wrapped him in linen cloth. Then, a great stone was rolled across the entrance. Some faithful women saw where they laid him. The women made a plan to return to the tomb after the Sabbath. Little did they know what they would see on Sunday morning. 
Discussion Questions

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were Jewish leaders who secretly believed in Jesus. Why did they keep their belief a secret? But in the end, they openly claimed the body of Jesus. Why was that a courageous act?