

.2024.Greetings! ..

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The image in this post is from one of the small calendar booklets that I saved over the course of twenty years. Woman's Day magazine inserted them in every January issue during the years 1955 through 2004. The delightful drawings are by Erik Blegvad, a well known illustrator of children's books.

Week 7 of Year 3 "The Nobleman's Son"

The Nobleman's Son

Students may read John 4:46-54
Jesus went to the city of Cana. A nobleman came over from Capernaum and begged him to heal his gravely ill son. Jesus said, “Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” After a moment, Jesus said, “Your son will live.” The nobleman believed, and he returned to Capernaum. On the way, his servants met him saying, “Your son lives!” and they told him when the fever broke. From that day on, the nobleman wholeheartedly believed, and his family also believed.
Discussion Questions

What are “signs and wonders”? Why did Jesus want people to believe without seeing signs and wonders? It turned out that the nobleman and his family became believers. What does it mean to believe wholeheartedly?


Week 6 of Year 3 "The Widow and the Judge"

The Widow and the Judge

Students may read Luke 18:1-8

Jesus said we should “pray always and not become discouraged.“ Then, he told a story about a persistent widow and an unjust judge. The widow needed help because someone in the city was being unfair to her. So she went to the judge, but he would not listen to her. He had no respect for God or people. The widow, however, did not give up. She kept coming to him for justice. Finally, the judge said, “I will vindicate her, or she will wear me out by her continual coming.”

Discussion Questions

We are advised to pray persistently, but what do we need to understand about God? When we faithfully keep praying, something good will happen. But it might not be what we expect. How does prayer change us on the inside?


Week 5 of Year 3 "Give Us This Day"

Give Us This Day

Students may read Matthew 6:5-15

The disciples knew that Jesus thought private prayer time was very important. But they also prayed together, such as when they gave thanks before the breaking of bread at the beginning of a meal. One day, a disciple said to Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray,” like John the Baptist taught his disciples. So, Jesus gave them a model prayer that became known as the Lord’s Prayer. Part of the prayer says, “Give us this day our daily bread.”

Discussion Questions

We naturally want to pray for the things we need. We need food for our bodies as well as refreshment for our souls. What are some things that people like to pray for? We should also remember to give thanks. Why does that help us?


Week 4 of Year 3 "Visit with Nicodemus"

Visit with Nicodemus

Students may read John 3:1-8 or through verse 21

When Jesus was in Jerusalem, a religious ruler wanted to talk privately with him. Thus, Nicodemus came after dark one night. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born from above if he wished to see the kingdom of God. But Nicodemus wondered how it was possible to be born again. Then, Jesus compared the Spirit to the wind. He said we can hear the wind as it moves through the trees, but we can’t actually see the wind. “So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

Discussion Questions

What do you think it means to be “born of the Spirit”? This idea can seem rather mysterious, and Nicodemus struggled to understand this as well. Where is the Spirit? When we are born of the Spirit, we enter the kingdom of God.


Week 3 of Year 3 "Love Your Enemies"

Love Your Enemies

Students may read Luke 6:27-36

One special day, Jesus taught his disciples something that probably surprised them. He said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who despitefully use you.” Most people know what it is like to have an enemy. Jesus understood that his disciples would encounter many enemies as they traveled across the land, spreading the good news of the kingdom. This teaching is part of what became known as the Sermon on the Mount.

Discussion Questions

What is surprising about “Love your enemies”? Jesus wants us to love, do good, bless, and pray for our enemies. He also gave a great rule of life. What can you say about that rule? Sometimes people ask themselves, “What would Jesus do?”

Week 2 of Year 3 "The Merciful"

The Merciful

Students may read Matthew 5:1-12

After Jesus had gathered all twelve of his disciples, he went up into the hills and gave some special teachings. One of the things he taught was, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Jesus often taught about forgiveness and mercy. Here, we learn that being merciful to others helps us to fully receive the mercy that we need as well. People also say, “Happy are the merciful,” and this is one of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount.

Discussion Questions
God understands us and loves us. Our Father reaches out to us in loving-kindness. He has no trouble forgiving us and being merciful to us. Why is it sometimes hard for us to forgive? Why are we happier when we are merciful?